Despite all the advancements that have been made in the field of orthodontics, traditional braces remain the most reliable way to make complex corrections. But that doesn’t mean the procedure itself can’t be improved! With an iTero scanner, your orthodontist in Rochester can plan your treatment and predict the results with greater precision than ever before. Read on to learn more about the benefits of this essential tool in modern orthodontic care.
How is the iTero Scanner Used?
Before you get your braces, careful measurements of your mouth must be taken so that the brackets and wires fit comfortably while making the appropriate adjustments. Traditionally, this has been done with a special kind of putty that is placed over the teeth and left to harden, resulting in a model that would be sent to a dental lab as a reference. But nowadays, more and more orthodontists are turning to the iTero scanner to create digital models that are far more reliable – not to mention less messy.
How Does iTero Work?
There are two parts to an iTero device: a wand and a station. The wand takes thousands of pictures of your teeth, capturing every little detail from every possible angle. Once the station receives the images, it can convert them into a comprehensive 3D model. Said model can be updated during the planning phase of the treatment, thus providing a clear representation of what the mouth should look like after receiving braces.
What are the Advantages of iTero?
There are many reasons iTero scans represent a significant upgrade over physical impressions. Below are just some of the benefits:
- No Cumbersome Materials: The putty used to make an impression makes many patients uncomfortable and might even cause them to gag. A simple scan is often much easier.
- Improved Accuracy: If you move while a traditional impression is being taken, the accuracy of the model could be thrown off, and any braces designed around it will likely fight incorrectly. iTero automatically accounts for any deviations in the scans taken, helping it achieve precise results the first time.
- Fewer Retakes: Because of their accuracy, iTero reduces the risk that a retake will be needed, and your braces will need fewer adjustments down the line.
- Faster Treatment Time: Since there’s less modeling to be done, you’ll receive your braces much sooner than you normally would.
In general, not only is the iTero scanner an extremely useful tool for the orthodontist, but it also significantly improves the patient’s overall experience. If you’ve recently been searching for an orthodontist (either for yourself or for someone in your family), take the time to confirm whether your chosen practice takes advantage of iTero; it could end up making more of a difference than you think!
About the Author
Dr. Stan Drabik has held true to his patient-centered philosophy for well over 20 years. He loves interacting with his patients and getting to know them as individuals while helping them achieve the lifelong changes that their smiles need. If you have questions about iTero or would like to schedule an appointment at Drabik Orthodontics, get in touch with Dr. Drabik through his website or call (585) 730-7700.